Thursday, October 31, 2019

SQL database paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

SQL database paper - Essay Example The customerID field is a unique area because each customer will have their unique customerID thus the reason for its use as the primary key. The newly introduced tables allow us to have several booked tours associated with a customer thus increasing the flexibility of the system. It also reduces the storage space required. The tour1NF tables are added to allow customers to make several orders (â€Å"Informix Guide†, 1998). A table that keeps tours sold and tour customer data, holds, address, customer name, city, zip code state, tour(s) selected, total amount paid and the number of persons in the tour. Therefore, the structure will be able to show the customer in case he/she books more than once. Data modelling refers the process of examining data-oriented structures, in that you single out entity types into which attributes are assigned to. The conceptual model can be used to represent the data above. To make the table2NF compliant we introduce the customerID field as the primary key of the customer table and the foreign key of the newly created table in 1NF tours selected table. This makes the table 2NF compliant. Using the salesperson table that was described earlier the most appropriate trigger would be a Data Modelling Language (DML) trigger. The trigger is initiated every moment the salesperson sales a tour. In the new data model the customer information is subsidiary to sales information, the trigger is identified as â€Å"for each statement type† and is an additional data set for the salesperson each time the tour booking triggers the event. Using the salesperson table described the appropriate trigger would be a Data Manipulation Language (DML) trigger and would be initiated each time a tour operator sells a new tour. Under the new structure in which the client information is subordinate to sales information, this trigger would be identified as â€Å"for each statement type† and would add data set for the

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

FacBook IPO Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

FacBook IPO - Essay Example The main task of this paper was to calculate the so-called fair price of the company’s shares in the moment of IPO. Two different approaches are going to be used to reach the goal of the task – DCF and comparative valuation. Taking into account this goal, the paper has the following structure: introduction (brief background information about the company), theoretical concepts and methodology, financial analysis, conclusions. As it has been already mentioned, Facebook Inc. is one of the most successful companies in the modern business world. It is among the leaders not only in the IT industry, but in the global business environment, in general. The company was founded in 2004 as a website for the local Harvard community. The company has become successful quite soon. Nowadays it employs almost 2000 employees, has offices in the different countries around the whole world, and has almost 1 billion of users. Its current market capitalization is $56.8 billion. Some additional information about the company under consideration can be got from the following quote. â€Å"Facebook, Inc. operates as a social networking company worldwide. The company builds tools that enable users to connect, share, discover, and communicate with each other; enables developers to build social applications on Facebook or to integrate their Websites with Facebook; and offers products that enable advertisers and marketers to engage with its users. As of February 2, 2012, it had 845 million monthly users and 443 million daily users. The company was founded in 2004 and is headquartered in Menlo Park, California† (Facebook Inc. Company Profile). Probably the biggest question is what the factors of the company’s success are. The company has provided for people around the world an opportunity to communicate without any barriers. We believe that it is the main driver of the company’s success. Communication is among the greatest need of people and Facebook provides such

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Body ownership

Body ownership Body Ownership The sense of ones own body has been a subject of debate among researchers for many years. It is argued to be a very specific type of knowledge, illustrated as being a non-conceptual and somatic (e.g., Kant, 1781/2003; Bermu ´ dezas cited in Lango, et al., 2007). It has been argued that this type of knowledge, often referred to as ‘‘embodiment† (Arzy, Overney, Landis, Blanke, 2006), ‘‘bodily self-consciousness† (Bermu ´dez, 1998; Legrand, 2006), or ‘‘corporeal awareness† (Berlucchi Aglioti, 1997; Critchley, 1979) is compulsory, to experience various types of sensory information (Kant, 1781/2003; Johnson, 1987; Lakoff, 1987; Merleau-Ponty, 1945/1962; Piaget, 1937/1954 as cited in Lango, et al., 2007). In other words, one has to have some sort of knowledge of ones own body in order to experience emotions and sensations. It has been argued that gaining this type of knowledge is crucial for formation of personal psychological id entity (Cassam,1997; Edelman, 2004). Rubber hand illusion allows for the manipulating the brain into perceiving an external object- the rubber hand, as being a representation of the body (Tsakiris Haggard, 2005). Self awareness has been argued to be mostly represented by the sense of the body ownership. Moseley( et al., 2008) provoked the rubber hand illusion and demonstrated one of rubber hand illusions effects- taking ownership of an artificial counterpart- which leads to decrease in the temperature in the real hand. They found that this phenomenon was limb-specific, in other words similar effect have not been found to occur in the not stimulated hand. They argued that this is phenomenon is demonstrating that physical self and the physiological regulation of self are closely linked in the top down manner to an individuals body awareness. It also seems likely that if body awareness is disrupted by cognitive processes, that might lead to changes in the body temperature regulations, in the rubber hand illusion case, making it decrease. This therefore leads to conclusion that if an individuals starts perceiving and artificial body part it will have an effect on the rest of the body (Moseley, 2 008). Body ownership has been argued to be a sort of knowledge that that your body belongs to you, and is constantly there, is a basis for the aspect of self-awareness. Individuals suffering from for example schizophrenia, autism, epilepsy, neuropathic pain, anorexia nervosa, and bulimia have been found to have a disturbance in their body ownership. These disorders have also been found to have a connection to the disruption of the body temperature regulations (Moseley, 2008). Moseley (et al., 2008) has demonstrated that such disruption in the body ownership can be a consequence of a Rubber Hand Illusion. RHI consequences in participants perception that the touch they are experiencing is actually an effect of the stimulation given to the rubber hand. That consequence in participants taking an ownership of the rubber hand. Additionally, Moseley (et al., 2008) found that there was a positive correlation between the vividness of the rubber hand illusion experience and the decrease in the skin temperature in the adequate hand. This suggests that the more an individual experiences the RHI the more will the temperature in their hand decrease. The Rubber Hand Illusion has been argued to involve interaction between tactile, visual, and proprioceptive inputs to the brain. In this type of illusion, the tactile sensations are admitted to the rubber hand (Botvinick Cohen, 1998) Interception is a notion involving two different types of perception: the prioprioception, that is a perception sensitive to the signals gained from the skin as well as musculoskeletal apparatus; and the visceroceptoon, which mains focus are the signals originating from the inner organs (Vaitl, 1996). Interoception in therefore not only as study of heart and gastrointestinal regions and actions, but also respiratory, genitourinary and endocrine systems, as well as changes in chemical, osmotic and volume of tissue. It provides information about the state of the body that could have an influence on individuals on the psychological level, as they are related to the emotional experience , conscious awareness, and higher behaviour (Cameron, 2001). Awareness , on the other hand, can be described as knowledge of the fact of ones existence(Craig, 2009). Interoceptive awareness can therefore be defined as an ability to experience and distinguish between individual sensations a person experie nces (Critcheley et al.,, 1999). The concnept of interoception has been known for houndreds of years, In 1896, a physiologist, Sherrington, described the sensory nerve receptoprs responding to the stimuli from the body as â€Å"interoceptors†. These days, one of the most well known theories of the interoceptive processes, is the James-Lange theory of emotions. William James was one of the first psychologists and philosophers to argue that the viscer-afferent information, that is, the information gained from the central inner body organs, had a close realation to emotion experienced at that time (Pollatos, Herbert, Matthias Schandry, 2006). Lange on the other hand, was a physiologist who studied the impact of the emotions on the changes occurring in vasomotor system, such as for example constricting and dilating of blood vessels (Cameron, 2001). Lange focused his theory on the idea that emotions are reactions to changes in vasomotor system per se ( Cameron, 2001). In their book, The Emotions (1922) they argue that an individual needs to be aware of the changes in their bodily signals to experience the emotions as sycg. In other words, the subject provoking emotions, is a direct reason for those changes and emotions are the refore simply our reaction to those changes. This theory became now one of the most influential theories on the way human perceive emotions(Benner Hacker, 2005) The other theory related to interoception is the one proposed by Damasio. In his perspective the more accurate individual is in perceiving their bodily signals, the more extreme emotions they expon, however some argue that this might erience (Pollatos et al., 2005) There are some significant differences in the ability to perceive the interoceptive awareness. Research has established that women are worse at perceiving their heartbeat than men (Kollenbaum, 1990, Katkin et al., 1981 as cited in Vaitl, 1996). The same is true about other interoceptive activity awareness- women perform worse than men on tasks gastic motility, finger temperature, blood pressure, blood sugar level (Vaitl, 1996). Additionally, research has suggested that younger people are better at perceiving their interoception, however some argue that this might be related to the fact that younger people usually have lower fat levels that people in the older age (Cameron, 2001). Another, interpersonal difference in performance on the interoceptive tasks is defined by possible presence of any type of personality or mental disorder. It hs been found that individuals suffering from anxiety disorders and panic attacks are more likely to score superiorly high on the tasks testing sensitivity to interoceptive awareness (Critchley, WIens, Rotshtein, Ohman Dolan, 2004; Ehlers et al., 2000). Opposite was found to hold true for individuals struggling with depression and somatoform (Mussgay et al., 1999). Other clinical issues have been shown to also affect the performance on the interoceptive awareness. Individuals suffering from different types of cardio-related disorders, such as for example, arrhytmias and benign palpitations (Ehlers et al., 2000 as cited in Pollatos at al., 2006) have been shown to performe worse than healthy controls on interoceptive awareness tasks (as measured by heartbeat count performance). The same is true for patients suffering from diabet ic neuropathy (Leopold Schandry, 2001). Another important thing affecting the performance on the interoceptive task, is the position individual is in- the most inaccurate scores are obtained when an individual is stanind, and the most accurate when they are lying down. Suggested explanations for this phenomenon are the cardiodynamic changes occurring as a result of gravity (Cameron, 2001). Additionally it has been suggested that the percentage of the fat in the body was also correlated to the performance on the heart beat tasks- the less fat content an individual had, the better he scored on the cardiac activity task (Jones, 1987 as cited in Vaitl, 1996). One of the most extensively used methods for checking the ability individual to thed have to perceive their own interoception is related to the cardiac action. This includes the ability to detect single heart beats as well as changes in their heart beat per se. Methods allowing studying of cardiac action include the discrimination tasks, created to measure the ability to detect individual heart beats, as well as tracking techniques which were set to assess the ability to sense heart rate, by counting the by counting the heart beats during a certain period of time (Cameron, 2001). Positive correlation between changes n the strength of emotions and the ability to detect changes occurring within the body has been found by Wiens et al. (2000). In the study, Wiens (et al., 2000) used visual stimuli to manipulate the motions a person was experiencing and assessed the interoceptive awareness by asking individuals to count their heart beats. Similar study was conducted and reported by Pollatos, Gramman and Schandry (2006), where positive correlation was found between interoceptive awareness and the intensity of emotions experienced.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Grendel and Beowulf Heroism :: Epic of Beowulf Essays

Intentions and Heroism   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A building is ablaze and a crowd of people stare helplessly from the streets, listening to screams coming from within. A single person runs in to rescues whomever he or she can find. Whether or not that person emerges with a child in their arms, empty handed, or not at all, does nothing to alter our society’s perception of their heroism. Today’s society would classify such an action as heroic, regardless of outcome, for one reason: intentions. During Anglo-Saxton times the interpretation of such an act, based on the tale Beowulf, would not be so understanding of what was intended, but rather of the outcome. If one perished and failed in an attempt of such a heroic act words like weakness might arise. It is here that the clash of what a hero is occurs between the Anglo-Saxton tale Beowulf and John Gardner’s Grendel. Beowulf in Beowulf is a hero for he defeats evil and restores order to and for the common people. Unferth in Grendel however is un successful in his campaign against evil, but like the man who emerges empty handed he is by no means any less of a hero. For heroism, as demonstrated in the Anglo-Saxton tale Beowulf, is altered in Gardner’s Grendel to convey the idea that intentions define a hero as opposed to actions. Beowulf is a classic hero in Beowulf for he fits the epitomized romantic mold so perfectly. His appearance is that of a hero, he is large, muscular, and intimidating. His intentions are also in the right place, he wishes to free Hrothgar’s people from the evil that is Grendel. He is a mature man, one who in the face of belittlement responds respectably and effectively. â€Å"Then up spoke Unferth†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Are you that Beowulf who with Breca swam on the broad sea-swell struggling together proud wave-wrestlers wagering your lives with reckless boasting risking for praise deep water-death?...† Beowulf answered†¦Ã¢â‚¬ and you were never known for such deeds nothing to brag of renowned as you are for killing your brothers†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (p.17-18 Beowulf) Beowulf doesn’t put Unferth down; rather he reminds him that he has no place to talk of heroic deeds and moves on. Gardner’s version of Beowulf is a much different person. â€Å"The eyes slanted downward, never blinking, unfeeling as snake’s† (p. 154) â€Å"The sea-pale eyes of the stranger were focused on nothing† (p. 155) â€Å"The stranger smiled on, he downward slanting eyes like empty pits.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Observation of Adult-Сhild Interaction

During this semester, we were required to make an observation on the adult-child interaction. This review essay will explain briefly about the interaction occurred, feedback from both parties and the significant of theory in child language development. Therefore, on 4th November 2013, I had an observation at an early childhood center, SMART LITTLE BEE in Putrajaya. Smart Little Bee is not just an ordinary childhood center, the founder Miss Nor Julia bt Mohammad Nor tried to implant new exposure in educating the child using the Montessori Theory which had been used in several countries such as Australia, United Kingdom and United States.Montessori education is an educational approach developed by Italian physician and educator Maria Montessori. The Montessori approach is designed to support the natural development of children in a well-prepared environment (Early childhood education today, 2011). The children educate themselves through self-directed learning by sensory materials invit e to promote learning. Children are grouped in multi-age environments and learn by manipulating materials and working with others.In Malaysia, the efforts were spreading in the country where the numbers of childhood center using Montessori approach were increasing especially in urban areas. In Smart Little Bee, the capacity intake of children is limited due to the law restricted for an early childhood center or we called â€Å"Taman Asuhan Kanak-kanak (TASKA)† in Malaysia that built in home-based environment. Even though, the requests from parents are quite high as they can see the differences in orderliness, independent children, self-directed learning in their child. There were total of 13 children at age range 2 – 6 years old registered.There was neither classroom nor syllabus structured by ministry of education. There was one big living room that has been renovate for well-prepared environment for the children to play, do activities and learned by them. Moreover, t here are five basic principles fairly and accurately represent how Montessori educators implement the Montessori Method in their programs and Miss Julia was a well-trained Montessori educator when she was living in Australia for several years. The first one is respect for the child, it is the cornerstone on which all other Montessori principles rest.Miss Julia said, â€Å"Teachers should show respect for children when they guide and scaffold their learning, enable them do things and learned for themselves†. Next, the absorbent mind is one of the ideas that the minds of young children are receptive to and capable of learning. The child learns unconsciously by taking in information from the environment. This ideology is proved by the child learns to speak his native tongue through the environment. Furthermore, Montessori believed there are sensitive period when children are more susceptible to certain behaviors and can learn specific skills more easily.In my opinion, there are intersections in theories that model programs for child language development. As we learned through several of theories, majority of them believed children have their sensitive period which stated in Affective transformation by Greenspan & Shanker(2007), Jean Piaget’s stages of cognitive development and sensory-motor stage and much more. Next, prepared environment, a place in which children can do things for themselves. In Smart Little Bee, the living room that has been renovated and design suitable for children to learn while playing, the facilities are comfortable, well-organized with books, toys and table.The children have their own freedom to explore materials of their own choosing. The materials and activities provided for three basic areas of child involvement which are practical life or motor education, sensory materials for training the senses and academic materials. During my observation, the theme for that week is BALL, Miss Julia explained particularly through a ba ll we can teach the children in physical, emotional and cognitive thinking aspects. There were different themes for each week, as an example is an apple, shoes and many more.The activities done help children to improve their skills related to everyday living such as toilet training and tied the shoes lace. Lastly, concept of auto-education in children those are capable of educating themselves through appropriate materials and activities. It is facilitative language input and behavior where educators avoid using directiveness which contain less facilitative features. Early in the morning when their parents deliver their children, Miss Julia will let the children to play whatever they want to play.After having their breakfast, the activity began at 10 o’clock. During the session, Miss Julia asked them to pick up all the toys by saying â€Å"okay kids, it is time to do activity pick up the toys and make a circle† in a rhythmic way like a song. The kids pick up their toys to where it was belong while singing along with Miss Julia the â€Å"pick-up† song. This routine had implanted in their memory motor to reflect whenever Miss Julia sing the song and how anyone would imagine that picking up the toys could be this fun?After they done, Miss Julia sit on a small chair with the kids in a circle, using low tone voice like whispering Miss Julia asked the children to sing together all the songs they learned and the kids were hopping and ready to sing but Miss Julia stopped and asked them back â€Å"which one of the songs that they want to sing first?† I can hear thousands of requests, however Miss Julia with a calm voice asked them again â€Å"which one of the songs? † and they look to each other and with one voice they choose the spider’s web song. So, Miss Julia was counting down the number from three to one and they started to sing happily with the moves.Miss Julia also singing along with them as one part where Miss Julia will pause to let them finish the lyrics, technique used in this response is called cloze procedures. It is good to provide redundancy, increase the saliency of the input in order to allow more cognitive response for learning (Girolametto, 2006). While they were singing happily the children use immature or incorrect lyrics, Miss Julia will response by reformulating the additional semantics in the lyrics and generally corrects the child’s error which term used is conversational recasting (Camarata & Nelson, 2006).After they sang all the songs, the activity continues with â€Å"ball painting†. The children were so excited, they were asked to hold one rectangle box together with a painted golf ball in it. The task was they need to shake the box for the ball to roll up and leaves the paint on the paper inside. They started to shake the ball carefully first, but when they see the traces left by the paint they began to excite and wonder the colours, design thus they shook vigoro usly the box. This showed how the confident built in and the cognitive thinking was developing inside them. As the time flow, they finished the activity and had their lunch.As a Muslim, their routines in daily life were performing the prayer. When they finished their lunch, they were preparing to do the prayer together under Miss Julia guidance. Following the schedule, once they finished performing the prayer at 2 o’clock they need to sleep. Everyone was exhausted, they need to recharge. Miss Julia did mention â€Å"the children need to have enough sleep not just because for their growth but it is also for their health, physically and mentally† the end for the session. As a last point, I can see how Montessori approach affects the child not only in language but also the maturity and independence of the child.The theory itself guides the caregivers to be in the child’s world instead of trying to bring them into our world. The approach might not be acceptable in c ertain cultures; cultural differences may result in variations the way children being exposed as the first impression. When there are collectivist societies or individualistic society both wanted the best for their children but in different method approaches. In a nutshell, I firmly believed that children were born with the ability and desire to learn and explore the world when we initiate it with the environment around them.Language is a system of arbitrary codes used as a communication medium and that is shared by a community for parents-child interaction or teacher-student interaction. The language and environment input was crucial in developing the child’s language. I hope that caregivers could apply the theories in some of the way to teach their son or daughter became more quality than yesterday. I found that the importance in child development not only the language but also the environment, attitudes and behaviors.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Long-standing and widespread hatred of the Jews Essay

Use your own knowledge to assess how far the sources support the interpretation that the decision to implement the Final Solution arose mainly from a long-standing and widespread hatred of the Jews. During the Nazi Party’s reign of Germany from 1933-1945, it is estimated that around 6 million Jews were slaughtered to death, whilst in Nazi concentration and extermination camps, during WWII. These Nazi ‘forced labour’ camps were set up all over the newly formed Weimar Republic, such as Auschwitz and Dachau, with their main function – genocide. The Nazi German policy to ‘exterminate the European Jews’ was shown through out the Holocaust, especially in the ‘Final Solution’ stage, which Hitler labelled as â€Å"the final solution of the Jewish question†. From the beginning of the Nazi reign of Germany, Adolf Hitler set about implementing laws that could ban Jews from doing specific things. By 1st April 1933, Jewish doctors, shops, lawyers and stores were to be boycotted. Not only this, but 6 days later, Hitler began to unravel his plan to Germany by producing a new law which banned Jews from being employed in government. These upper-class jobs were to be reserved for the ‘Aryan race’, as Jews were forced out of high positions to be replaced by ‘Aryan’ Germans. This begins to prove that there was a strong feeling of hatred towards the Jews from the Nazi’s which they would aim to implement nationally. Source A states that the influence of the Nazi’s was not as ‘widespread’ as many had come to believe. SOPADE reports how many of the German population have been convinced that ‘Jews start all bad things’. This is an example of the Nazi propaganda working for its intended purpose. Propaganda such as: speeches, posters, literature, radio shows etc, were aimed at the German public, trying to persuade them that the Jews were the root of what was wrong in Germany. However, source A also explains that the ‘vast majority’ of the population chose to ignore the ‘anti-Jewish propaganda’. Not only this, but they ‘preferred to shop in Jewish department stores’ almost as a protest to the new Nazi laws. However, as this piece was only written in 1936, 3 years after the regime had began and at least 5 years before the implementation of the Final Solution, it can be assumed that by 1936, the Nazi’s had not gained as much widespread support compared to 1941. Not only this, but this particular piece was written by an Anti-Nazi, socialist and therefore, this source cannot be seen as truly reliable, as it may show bias against the Nazi’s. Source B is an example of how a typical German girl was ‘brainwashed’ into supporting the Nazi regime and ‘totalling identifying herself with National Socialism’. The Nazi’s targeted many of the young German population with Hitler Youth groups and Nazi education schemes. The Hitler Youth groups were anti-Semitic groups which aimed to promote military activities, even resembling basic military training, including strategy and assault course tests. Melita Maschmann recalls the moment she ‘switched to accepting’ that the ‘Jews were the enemies’. She herself had been a member of the girls section of the Hitler Youth groups and she even begins to describe the moment from where she felt ‘something terrible had happened’ to ‘accepting the situation’. This is another example that the Nazi propaganda and schemes had begun to take effect. This account is written based on the events of Kristallnacht, where on a single night, 91 Jews were murdered and around 25,000-30,000 were arrested and deported to concentration camps, on the 10th November 1938. In source A, it stated that by 1936 not many of the population had been convinced the Nazi Party, however, source B suggests that the Nazi plan was starting to take effect by 1938. However, yet again it has be noted that this ‘recalled’ account was written after WWII in 1964, therefore events may have occurred that have changed this persons account of that night. Source C is a brief insight into what it was like to be in a family in Nazi Germany that had been separated by political views. Bernt Engelmann recalls how he spoke of the ‘unspeakable crudeness and cowardice’ of the Nazi’s, whereas his cousin, Klaus-Gà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½nther objected by stating ‘you have to accept the idea of political necessity’. This is in comparison with source A which suggested that there were conflicting, political views through out the German population. Not only this, but it also identifies with source B and the Nazi propaganda. It can be established that the cousin, Klaus- Gà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½nther, has been influenced by Nazi propaganda, such as Hitler Youth and Nazi literature. He details his feelings towards the Jews by labelling them ‘parasites’. This again suggests that there was much widespread hatred of Jews, which of course could have helped make the decision to implement the Final Solution. The ‘future SS General’ Klaus, also argued that the violence at Kristallnacht was much better than a ‘hundred years of struggle’. However, clearly the Nazi propaganda had lead people to believe that the new Aryan race was superior to the Jews, and that they should make them pay and put the money towards ‘our defences in the West’. It also looks as though Hitler was preparing for war and felt that he could make the Jewish community pay for the German defences. Source D is the testimony of Hitler’s deputy, Rudolf Hess at the Nuremburg war crime trials in 1946. In his testimony he suggests that it was Hitler’s hatred of the Jews which forced the Nazis into ‘solving the Jewish question, once and for all’ – the Final solution. This order had been put to Himmler and Hess, through the extermination camps. From 1941 onwards, Jews were to be transferred to extermination camps, which generally had very high death rates as a result of executions, starvation, and disease etc, nevertheless, only the extermination camps were intended specifically for mass killing. Before 1941, concentration camps, such as Dachau and Belsen, had been the primary location in which Jews were mistreated, starved and killed. In the testimony, ‘Auschwitz’ is selected as the main location in which the Nazi extermination camp would be set up. In the Auschwitz concentration camp, Hess decided to make the gas chambers ten times bigger than the ones seen at Treblinka, so that they could kill 2,000 people at once, rather than 200. Later on in his testimony, Hess also stated that up to 3 million Jews were killed in the Auschwitz death camp. This is another example of how the Nazi’s attempted to wipe out the Jewish race; however it does not give any information on how widespread this hatred was in Germany. This source is fairly reliable due to the fact this testimony was given 5 years after the incident and the fact that he had flown himself to Scotland to restore peace with Britain. It could be suggested that once he had been arrested there was not a lot he could argue; due to the fact he was responsible for the death of millions of Jews. Source E attempts to argue that the Nazi policy had ‘not been set on genocide in the period before 1941’. Evidence that could be argued to back up this point is that Hitler did not order the transfer of Jews to extermination camps until 1941. He also states that Himmler regarded it as ‘impossible and against German nature’. However, both points could be argued that due to the mass amount of Nazi propaganda, it is hard to argue that Hitler was not always pining for a ‘super Aryan race’ and planned to ‘execute the European Jews’. Not only this, but it could be suggested that Himmler’s statement may also be seen as propaganda, as people may have began to question the Nazi policy, as stated in source B. Alan Farmer, also attempts to suggest that due to the fact the invasion of the USSR was not going to plan, Hitler was forced to ‘initiate extermination out of desperation’. Therefore, he began to kill all Russian Jews, ‘which lead him to decide to kill all Jews’. This idea conflicts with the majority of the other sources, which have relied on the mass amount of propaganda that was issued during the time, and that many of the authors of the sources were recalling sections of time from the period, whereas Source E is written by a ‘modern historian’. Although, it is fair to suggest that Alan Farmer may have had more information at his disposal and has also had more time to analyse the period. In conclusion, it does seem as though the large majority of the sources available agreed that there was a widespread hatred of the Jews throughout Germany, caused by the Nazi influence, and this did lead to Hitler implementing the Final Solution. I feel as though Nazi propaganda and other schemes such as Nazi-education, lead to a very convinced nation. I also believe Source B was a good example of how a child could be so easily ‘brainwashed’ into believing the ‘Jews were the enemy’, through Hitler Youth and Nazi Education.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Modifying Words and Phrases to Express Opinions

Modifying Words and Phrases to Express Opinions There are a number of words and phrases that can help express your opinion. These words and phrases are common in creative writing, writing reports, and other types of writing intended to persuade. Giving Your Opinion Using a modifying word can help you express your opinion when making a statement. For example: Investing in high-tech stocks is risky. You could agree or disagree with this statement. Using a word such as undoubtedly expresses your own opinion about the statement. Here are some other modifying words and phrases that can help: (Most) assuredly adjective: ​These investments will most assuredly help to build equity.Without a doubt clause: Without a doubt, this investment is risky.It is doubtful that clause: It is doubtful that we will succeed with this attitude. Qualifying Your Opinion Sometimes, when giving an opinion it is important to qualify what you say by leaving room for other interpretations. For example, There is hardly any doubt that we will succeed. leaves room for other interpretations (hardly any doubt a little room for doubt). Here are some other modifying words and phrases that can help qualify your opinion: Almost/nearly adjective: Its nearly impossible to make a mistake.Largely/mainly noun: Its largely a matter of getting the facts right.Many ways/some ways it/this/that, etc: In many ways, ​its a sure bet. Making a Strong Assertion Certain words mark strong opinions about something you believe. For example, It is not true that I implied you were wrong. is strengthened by adding the word just: It is just not true that I implied you were wrong. Here are some other modifying words and phrases that can help strengthen an assertion: Simply/just adjective: It is simply wrong to believe that about John.Mere noun: That is a mere distraction from the main point.Merely/only the first, last: This is merely the last in a number of problems.Sheer/utter noun: The sheer idiocy of the project speaks for itself. Emphasizing Your Point When stating that an action is increasingly true, these phrases help to emphasize. For example, We have decided over and over again that we need to continue down this path. Here are some other phrases that help to emphasize your point: More than adjective: It is more than likely he will fail.More and more adjective: Im afraid it is becoming more and more difficult to believe you. Giving Examples When stating your opinion it is important to give examples to support your statements. For example, It is more than likely he will fail. In the case of Mr. Smith, he failed to follow-up and caused us to pay heavy fines. The following phrases are used to give examples to back up your opinion. Such as noun: Critics of this policy, such as Jack Beam of Smith and Sons, say that ...This is an example of clause: This is an example of our need to diversify investments.In the case of noun: In the case of Ms. Anderson, the company decided to ... Summarizing Your Opinion Finally, it is important to summarize your opinion at the end of a report or other persuasive text. For example: In the end, it is important to remember that ... These phrases can be used to summarize your opinion: All in all,: All in all, I feel we need to diversify due to ...In the end,: In the end, we must decide quickly to implement this plan.In conclusion,: In conclusion, let me repeat my strong support for ...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Dynamic Instructional Design (DID) Model

Dynamic Instructional Design (DID) Model The dynamic instructional design model, abbreviated as DID, is the study that is predominantly based on matters based on improved technology that moves around in designing and focusing on the establishment of an appropriate and effective studying environment for all the students.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Dynamic Instructional Design (DID) Model specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The model is mainly centered among learners; it consists of special procedures like identification of learning styles among students by creating a welcoming learning environment. In each stage of this study there is a stage that regards Dynamic Instructional Design (DID). This will for sure improve the rapidity and intensity of the lessons so that it can reach learners effectively. Unlike other methods of teaching, the use of technology has become the most essential and fastest way of taking lessons in the class (Puckett, 2004). The Dynamic Instructional Design model can be carried out effectively when the below steps are put into consideration (Cox, 2000). Step 1: Know the Learners As a matter of fact, the very fast step in teaching involves knowing the various characteristics among the students. If this is done then it shall become easy for the students to learn and benefit having been taught from class. The following are the characteristics that should be put into consideration; the students’ development period, language and cultural backgrounds, the information pertaining the knowledge and skills they already have, personal characters among learners, for example, intelligence, styles on how to study and lastly cognitive styles, knowing also the similarities and differences in regard to the students’ view on the design of instruction. When all these are put into consideration, it becomes very easy to know all that is required when it comes to matters pertaining the designing of your instru ction. This step is important and is worth being given a great priority (Cox, 2000). Step 2: State Learning Outcomes Outcomes are the students’ opinions that come as a result of instruction, for example, the ability of what the students are able to do at the end of scheduled lessons. For example, the students should be capable to distinguish what a verb and a subject is in a particular sentence. The students are required to obtain the necessary knowledge, they should be able to understand and apply what has been learnt in the class. In addition, they should be able to analyze, synthesize, and evaluate a number of things taught in class (Edmundson, 2006).Advertising Looking for research paper on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Step 3: Establish the Learning Environment Every learning institution should have a conducive environment, for example, the physical and educational part of teaching. This invo lves the seating order or arrangement, welcoming competition, appropriate physical environment, all these involve an environment where people can learn without hardship. In the classroom, there should be a mutual cooperation among the learners. Students on a similar note should be able to take some risks willingly without being forced by either the teacher or the concerned parent (Edmundson, 2006). Step 4: Identify Teaching and Learning Strategies Learning and teaching strategies are the appropriate methods a teacher will use in order to help the learners achieve an outcome that suits their learning process. A teacher should be capable to carry out a number of methods and activities to obtain an appropriate outcome from the students (Cox, 2000). Step 5: Identifies and Select Technologies Instructional technologies are the specific instruments that are used to maintain the learning strategies put up by the teacher. In this particular footstep, one needs to select the necessary techno logical tool that is effective when it comes to learning strategies. In deed, one must decide on how and when to use the available technologies. Some of these technological improvements and tools include; the use of multimedia CD, radio, videos and so on (Puckett, 2004). Step 6: Plan a Summative Evaluation Summative evaluation is the last step that is effective when it comes to designing and evaluating measures related to learning. There should be chances to allow room for revision in order to improve the design. In fact, this can be achieved through self-evaluation on the effectiveness of your lesson; this on the same note can be achieved by giving the students a questionnaire to fill up so that the teacher can know the views of the students. However, if the students have not performed well, then it means that the teacher must start again the earlier steps used in designing. In summation, the results obtained from students can be used to know whether the students have understood wh at is required of them during the lessons or not (Cox, 2000). References Cox, C. B. (2000). Empowering grandparents raising grandchildren: A training manual  for group leaders. New York: Springer Pub. Edmundson, A. (2006). Globalized e-learning, cultural challenges. Hershey, PA [u.a.]: Information Science Publ.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Dynamic Instructional Design (DID) Model specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Puckett, R. P., Byers, B. A. (2004). Food service manual for health care institutions. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

A Critique of the Movie, The Birdcage (La Cage aux Folles)

This film criticizes the gay couples of La Cage aux Folles who live in homosexual apartments, homosexuals' boys on homosexual nightclubs are in homosexual city. . . They need to organize it in one night. In 1996, La Cage aux Folles (French drama in 1978) was reinterpreted as The Birdcage by MGM, evolved with the times, redefined family values. We combine talent from Robin Williams (Armand), Nathan Lane (Albert), Hank Azaria (Agador) with writer Elaine May and director Mike Nichols. The movie is added to the story through the excellent uniqueness of each character and the content they bring to the screen. this There is no movie that better describes the energy and excitement of Miami in the 1990's like bird cage. In the vibrant story of the French farm in 1978, La Cage Aufoll, the story is focused on his plan to marry a middle-aged, luxurious homosexual couple's life, their son . Robin Williams and Nathan Ryan are shining under the guidance of Mike Nichols. Please visit Mississippi an d learn about personal cultural sympathies about ethnic tensions. This is also a proof of those who are unjustly brave. When Brett appeared in a cyber television documentary on his small town change, he became an unlikely activist to be a citizen. Premiere of Tribeca Film Festival by independent film director named Oscar, directed by Raymond De Felica This film criticizes the gay couples of La Cage aux Folles who live in homosexual apartments, homosexuals' boys on homosexual nightclubs are in homosexual city. . . They need to organize it in one night. In 1996, La Cage aux Folles (French drama in 1978) was reinterpreted as The Birdcage by MGM, evolved with the times, redefined family values. It combines talent with Robin Williams (Armando), Nathan Ryan (Albert) and Hank ... criticism of William  · Shakespeare's Mike  · White protagonist. I have never seen such a bad and impartial day. This is a famous quote from William Shakespeare's classic Macbeth tragedy Macbeth's opponent. Th is line occurred when Macbeth and Banco returned to the battle. Norwegian. Looking at it from the wider Macbeth 's victory and defeat, he went from the warrior hero to the murderer, and finally to his

Friday, October 18, 2019

Law Enforcement Agencies and the Judicial System Research Paper

Law Enforcement Agencies and the Judicial System - Research Paper Example According to the study findings police departments and courts or judicial officers where discrimination is carried out without remorse or fear of the resultant effects. The law enforcement agencies and judicial systems have strayed from their ideal duty of treating all Americans equally. The discriminatory practices are carried out in the form of racism, employment, social groups, gender and judicial punishment and sentence. As the discussion stresses systematic racism entangles police office where young black officers are on the receiving end. The discriminatory practice in the police force does not take into account the fines and punishment that comes with violating racism codes within a government office. The problem is severe when the police target young black men. For example in Baltimore and Maryland State Police Departments, there are strong biases against young black men who are perceived to be drug peddlers in the streets. The way policing is done is skewed on the basis of race, and it does not matter if it is a black or white cop. The problem is part of US since it was founded and has targeted the minorities in the state. The policing tactics affect the way they handle crime in neighborhoods dominated by black people. Implicit bias comes into play when police officers use personal and racial oriented tactics. Law enforcement agencies perpetuate racial discrimination when conducting patrols. The officers target poor, crime neighborhoods with segregated populations.

Have sanctions achieved their political and economic goals in Zimbabwe Dissertation

Have sanctions achieved their political and economic goals in Zimbabwe - Dissertation Example It cannot be denied that the given policies have to some extent helped in stabilizing the strongly sanctioned economy by preventing a total collapse of the economic systems of a country that was once considered very successful. It is known that sanctions do not generally serve a positive role because they mostly lead to outcomes that are negative. Governments are known to develop contingency plans that aim at countering the adverse impact of sanctions. It is also evident that the sanctions imposed by the West are more reflective of thei...r own interests instead of what they purport to affect. Because of the different varieties of sanctions that have been imposed on Zimbabwe in its different sectors, this paper has mainly examined the economic and political impacts of the sanctions on the country and its people. This paper has found that after the imposition of sanctions in Zimbabwe, a number of sectors have deteriorated and put the lives of citizens to immense risk in view of the co llapse of health, education and water supply systems. Thus, the sanctions have worked in aggravating the conditions of people because the country’s relations with western countries have been soured and it has been virtually isolated in having only negligible influence amongst powerful nations. 1. Introduction It has been observed that states that have been known to violate human rights were invariably imposed with sanctions in different ways. Simply understood, sanctions are forms of punishments imposed on such states in order to make them comply with the given provisions of law. It is known historically that economic sanctions have been often used as an alternative to armed conflicts in making states to comply with given requirements. Zimbabwe has been under the grip of economic sanctions for over a decade, which has been imposed by the USA, the European Union, New Zealand, Switzerland and Australia on account of alleged human rights violations by the government. The US and the EU believe that the sanctions are measures to restrict the activities of President Mugabe and some officials of his government that are supportive of his policies. In contrast, the ZANU PF, Mugabe’ political party, has viewed the sanctions as being targeted against the entire nation. This paper will analyze the issue of whether the sanctions have achieved their political goals in Zimbabwe. The paper will make a critical appraisal of the effectiveness of the sanctions regime imposed on Zimbabwe The major crisis situations that led to the imposition of sanctions will be outlined after which the positive and negative impact of the sanctions will be examined by determining the effectiveness of the sanctions regime. In order to understand the issue thoroughly, it is important to briefly examine the historical patterns of sanctions. Essentially, sanctions are a means available to the UN Security Council under provisions of chapter 7

Statistic project Statistics Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Statistic - Statistics Project Example 25 %). Italian restaurants are at the second place (28.75 %). 10 % of classmates prefer to eat at the Chinese restaurant. Indian restaurants are the least popular among the classmates because only 5 % of them prefer it. 76.25 % of persons in the class prefer regular drinks, and 16.25 % of respondents prefer soft diet drinks. 2.5 % of classmates does not give preference to any of the drinks. 5 % of respondents did not answer this question. 81. 25 % of respondents will not go out of state during spring holydays. The rest (18.75 %) prefer to go out of state during Thanksgiving. To describe the interval data the descriptive statistics and histograms were used (Anderson, Sweeney, and Williams 98-150). The results of data processing about age, miles from home and other interval data are the following. The minimal age in the class is 19 years. The maximal age is 51 years. The average age is 26.78 years. However, the histogram shows that the most of classmates are at the age 21-23 years. The second biggest age group is 25-27 years. The age of the classmates is not normally distributed. It is positively skewed because the biggest group of respondents has the age below the average age. The minimal distance from home to class one way is 1 mile. The maximal value of this variable is 50 miles. The average distance from home to the class is 19.78 miles. According to the histogram, this variable is not normally distributed. There are two big groups of persons: classmates that live about 13 miles from the class and classmates that live about 19 miles from the class. The histogram for this variable is also positively skewed. The minimal value for total credit hours being taken is 3 hours. The maximal value is 18 hours. The average number of hours is 10.475 hours. The most frequently occurred value (mode) is 12 hours. The median for this variable is also 12 hours. Median and mean values does not match, as well as mean and mode. It is the sign that the

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Presidency of Abraham Lincoln Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The Presidency of Abraham Lincoln - Essay Example Abraham Lincoln was a fierce opponent of slavery. He joined the newly formed Republican Party due to its anti-slavery platform. As a U.S. Senator from Illinois, Lincoln was concerned about the institution of slavery being expanding into newly formed states in the west. In June of 1858 he gave the famous â€Å"house divided† acceptance speech following his election to the Senate affirming his belief that â€Å"this government cannot endure, permanently, half slave and half free.† (Hubbard, 1998). Because of his very public stance against the institution of slavery, his election as president was not acceptable to southern states, seven of which broke off from the Union prior to the inauguration. Lincoln’s first act as president was to call up 75,000 soldiers to stop the Southern revolt. Refusing to send troops that would fight their southern neighbors, claiming Lincoln has exceeded his constitutional authority; Tennessee, Arkansas and Virginia seceded as well joini ng the Confederate States of America. Lincoln did not know much about military matters so he educated himself on the subject by reading books on military history. He had no formal education but was a learned man and became a lawyer by reading books so this was an effective method for him. Lincoln sent a supply ship to Fort Sumter located in South Carolina to fortify Union troops stationed in what Southerners now considered a different country, their own. The Civil War officially began when southern troops fired on the ship and fort. Two months later, in an effort to quickly end the war, Lincoln ordered the army to capture Richmond, Virginia, the Confederate capital but the Union was badly defeated on their way in the small town of Manassas, Virginia. Lincoln then realized the war would be protracted so signed a bill into law that called for the enlistment of half a million more troops for a three year period. Lincoln proved to be a capable military tactician and, for the most part, chose effective field commanders. Gener al George McClellan, commander of the biggest Union army, was a favorite of the troops but not Lincoln who was frustrated with McClellan’s unwillingness to advance against the Confederate army. Lincoln relieved McClellan of his command when he did not pursue the retreating Confederates following the 1862 Union victory at Antietam. (â€Å"Abraham,† 2012). Lincoln created a great deal of controversy when he suspended the right of habeas corpus (due process of law) in 1861 when Congress was not in session. He had already ended civil law in some areas but regarded these drastic, many correctly called unconstitutional, measures as necessary steps in the war effort. Lincoln revealed the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 following the Battle of Antietam which freed the slaves but Southern states ignored it at the time. Two significant Union successes in the summer of 1863 at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania and Vicksburg, Mississippi finally gave the Union an advantage. Lincoln made General and future president Ulysses S. Grant the Union forces Supreme Commander in 1864 due to his decisive victory at Vicksburg. General George Meade had been expected to receive the title but missed his opportunity when the troops under his command did not deliver a decisive

English Application Essays Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

English Application Essays - Essay Example It would be an honor to be taught by such conversant and intellectual set of professors. The campus offers numerous recreation and fitness centers that can become good sources of relaxation after extensive hours of studies. I have always been an active member in extra-curricular activities and clubs; I aspire to continue such activities and shall contribute my role in the progression of the clubs. I believe that one can expect better results from something that is achieved as an outcome of group efforts and team work. The accumulation of different forms of opinions and ideas induces a touch of innovativeness and uniqueness in every endeavor. It is due to this belief that I am contented with the idea of my friends going in the same program. I am excited to study with these individuals and new classmates since they might even become my colleagues in the workplaces in the future. I think that our team work and research can contribute towards the development of the chosen domain of knowl edge and play our part in earning a name for the esteemed University of Ohio. My friends define me as a people’s person who loves meeting new people. The concept of getting familiar with different customs, traditions and culture of the world excites me. It is due to the passion for cultural diversity that I have chosen Ohio University. Ohio University celebrates cultural diversity rather than promoting exclusion. I admire such ideologies and feel that I shall be able to progress more in an environment that is run by such like-minded people. Therefore, I hope you will allow me to pursue my education in the desired business school- Fisher College. Essay 2 I bear great passion for travelling and meeting new people. The nature of my family business has granted me the opportunity to visit numerous countries of the world, thereby giving me the chance of experiencing various forms of cultures and traditions on firsthand basis. Such experiences have made me realize the value of inclu sion of perspectives from all sorts of cultures and origins. I believe that tolerance and acceptance of other people’s ideas induces an element of innovation in one’s work. Tim Berners Lee, the man who invented the World Wide Web, stated that â€Å"we need diversity of thought in the world to face the new challenges†. I aim to promote inclusion and tolerance for other cultures in my endeavors to play my role in safeguarding the traditions of multiculturalism of University of Colorado. Team work and mutual support bear great importance in an academic life since it bears numerous challenging instances and stressful routines. Acceptance of cultural diversity removes barriers among individuals and promotes the spirit of team work and mutual cooperation. I aspire to become a team player who will seek to work together with others to increase his domain of knowledge, as well as to play his part in earning a commendable name for the University of Colorado. Individuals w ho value team work spirit tend to benefit in their professional lives as well; therefore, I believe that my culturally rich experience at University of Colorado will prove to be advantageous for my professional life. Competition is also an integral part of any academic life; healthy competition can prove to be a valuable lesson since it prepares one for the professional life ahead. Exposure to multicultural lifestyles from my childhood

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Statistic project Statistics Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Statistic - Statistics Project Example 25 %). Italian restaurants are at the second place (28.75 %). 10 % of classmates prefer to eat at the Chinese restaurant. Indian restaurants are the least popular among the classmates because only 5 % of them prefer it. 76.25 % of persons in the class prefer regular drinks, and 16.25 % of respondents prefer soft diet drinks. 2.5 % of classmates does not give preference to any of the drinks. 5 % of respondents did not answer this question. 81. 25 % of respondents will not go out of state during spring holydays. The rest (18.75 %) prefer to go out of state during Thanksgiving. To describe the interval data the descriptive statistics and histograms were used (Anderson, Sweeney, and Williams 98-150). The results of data processing about age, miles from home and other interval data are the following. The minimal age in the class is 19 years. The maximal age is 51 years. The average age is 26.78 years. However, the histogram shows that the most of classmates are at the age 21-23 years. The second biggest age group is 25-27 years. The age of the classmates is not normally distributed. It is positively skewed because the biggest group of respondents has the age below the average age. The minimal distance from home to class one way is 1 mile. The maximal value of this variable is 50 miles. The average distance from home to the class is 19.78 miles. According to the histogram, this variable is not normally distributed. There are two big groups of persons: classmates that live about 13 miles from the class and classmates that live about 19 miles from the class. The histogram for this variable is also positively skewed. The minimal value for total credit hours being taken is 3 hours. The maximal value is 18 hours. The average number of hours is 10.475 hours. The most frequently occurred value (mode) is 12 hours. The median for this variable is also 12 hours. Median and mean values does not match, as well as mean and mode. It is the sign that the

English Application Essays Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

English Application Essays - Essay Example It would be an honor to be taught by such conversant and intellectual set of professors. The campus offers numerous recreation and fitness centers that can become good sources of relaxation after extensive hours of studies. I have always been an active member in extra-curricular activities and clubs; I aspire to continue such activities and shall contribute my role in the progression of the clubs. I believe that one can expect better results from something that is achieved as an outcome of group efforts and team work. The accumulation of different forms of opinions and ideas induces a touch of innovativeness and uniqueness in every endeavor. It is due to this belief that I am contented with the idea of my friends going in the same program. I am excited to study with these individuals and new classmates since they might even become my colleagues in the workplaces in the future. I think that our team work and research can contribute towards the development of the chosen domain of knowl edge and play our part in earning a name for the esteemed University of Ohio. My friends define me as a people’s person who loves meeting new people. The concept of getting familiar with different customs, traditions and culture of the world excites me. It is due to the passion for cultural diversity that I have chosen Ohio University. Ohio University celebrates cultural diversity rather than promoting exclusion. I admire such ideologies and feel that I shall be able to progress more in an environment that is run by such like-minded people. Therefore, I hope you will allow me to pursue my education in the desired business school- Fisher College. Essay 2 I bear great passion for travelling and meeting new people. The nature of my family business has granted me the opportunity to visit numerous countries of the world, thereby giving me the chance of experiencing various forms of cultures and traditions on firsthand basis. Such experiences have made me realize the value of inclu sion of perspectives from all sorts of cultures and origins. I believe that tolerance and acceptance of other people’s ideas induces an element of innovation in one’s work. Tim Berners Lee, the man who invented the World Wide Web, stated that â€Å"we need diversity of thought in the world to face the new challenges†. I aim to promote inclusion and tolerance for other cultures in my endeavors to play my role in safeguarding the traditions of multiculturalism of University of Colorado. Team work and mutual support bear great importance in an academic life since it bears numerous challenging instances and stressful routines. Acceptance of cultural diversity removes barriers among individuals and promotes the spirit of team work and mutual cooperation. I aspire to become a team player who will seek to work together with others to increase his domain of knowledge, as well as to play his part in earning a commendable name for the University of Colorado. Individuals w ho value team work spirit tend to benefit in their professional lives as well; therefore, I believe that my culturally rich experience at University of Colorado will prove to be advantageous for my professional life. Competition is also an integral part of any academic life; healthy competition can prove to be a valuable lesson since it prepares one for the professional life ahead. Exposure to multicultural lifestyles from my childhood

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

The Linguistic Art Of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay Example for Free

The Linguistic Art Of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay The most significant feature that I noticed, after the first glance of the novel of? The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn? ,(Mark Twain ,Penguin Books LTD,1985,ISBN0-14-243717-4), are the words, phrases and sentences structures used by Mark Twain. This is the first book that I have ever read, which all is written by colloquial languages, and sometimes even in misspelling words and dialects. These morphological and grammatical changes did cost extra time to understand, but they are also the most interesting feature caused most of my attention while reading it. So in this reading  response, I would like to analyze the language arts in the novel of ? The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn?. First, as the adventures carried on, the protagonist Huckleberry met a lot of different people with different back ground. And the writer used many dialects and slangs for those characters to make the descriptions much more real. Take the following part of Jim’s words as example, ‘Yo’ ole father doan’ know, yit, what he’s a-gwyne to do. Sometime she spec he’ll go ‘way, en den agin he spec he’ll stay. De bes’ way is to res’ easy en let de ole man take his own way. Dey’s two  angels hovein’ roun’ ’bout him. One uv’ ’em is white en shiny, en ’tother one is black. De white one gits him to go right, a little while, den de black one sail in en bust it all up. A body can’t tell, yit, which one gwyne to fetch him at de las’. But you is all right. You gwyne to have considable trouble in yo’ life, en considable joy. Sometimes you gwyne to git hirt, en sometimes you gwyne to git sick; but every time you’s gwyne to git well agin. Dey’s two gals flyin’ ’bout you in yo’ life. One uv ’em’s light en ’tother one is dark. One is rich en ’tother is po’. You’s gwyne to marry de po’ one fust en de  rich one by – en – by. You wants to keep ’way fum de water as much as you kin, en don’t run no resk, ’kase it’s down in de bill dat you’s gwyne to git hung. ’(27) As in this part, all over the words of Jim, your, away, best, round, about, them, the other, considerable, flying, poor are all shortened as yo’, ‘way, bes’, roun’, ‘bout, ‘em, ‘tother, considable, flyin’, po’ respectively, and old, yet, going, speak, then, there, get, hurt, girls, first, from, because are all reformed as ole, yit, gwyne, spec, den, dey, git, hirt, gals, fust, fum, ’kase respectively. These are  exact the features of black slangs, which is the most suitable words for Jim. Second, instead of describing a lot of feelings and atmosphere, Mark Twain just using verbs to lead readers into the sceneries. As the following part, ‘Then he turns and goes in. The crowd looked mighty sober; nobody stirred, and there warn’t no more laughing. Boggs rode off blackguarding Sherburn as loud as he could yell, all down the street; and pretty soon back he comes and stops before the store, still keeping it up. Some men crowded around him and tried to get him to shut up, but he wouldn’t; they told him it would be one o’clock in  about fifteen minutes, and so he must go home – he must go right away. ’(154) In the first sentence of this part, writer used simple present tense to place Huckleberry’s behavior in the spotlight, while used simple past tense to describe others to make them as the background of the main character. This little change in tense made readers feel much more easier to get the real feeling. And as the next example when Huckleberry found out there was someone else was talking on the island with him on his way of escaping, ‘I didnt wait, but shoved out and paddled away easy. I tied up in the old place, and reckoned I  would sleep in the canoe. ’(51) The usage of constant verbs gave the readers a direct experience of being spooked, which is much more real feeling than the description of Huckleberry’s feeling at that time. Third, there are a lot of informal contractions of grammar to fit for Huckleberry who is a thirteen years old boy without too much education. For example, ‘Well, Judge Thatcher, he took it and put it out at interest, and it fetched us a dollar a day apiece, all the year round. ’(page9) ‘But Tom Sawyer, he hunted me up and said he was going to start a band of robbers. ’(9) ‘The widow she cried over me, and called me a poor lost lamb, and she called me a lot of other names, too. ’(9) These sentences are all in a ‘ Noun + Personal Pronoun’, which is not formally grammatical, but suitable for Huckleberry. Other examples as, ‘She put me in them new clothes again, and I couldn’t do nothing but sweat and sweat, and feel all cramped up. ’(9~10) ‘Well, I couldn’t see no advantage in going where she was going, so I made up my mind I wouldn’t try for it. ’(11) These double negative sentences do not mean an affirmative way, but matchable ungrammatical words for a thirteen year little boy.

Monday, October 14, 2019

a suitable function of construction industry

a suitable function of construction industry Introduction Until 1958 when the construction industry began to be formulated following rules, construction businesses had suffered a poor reputation due to wrong practices of the past. The construction industry was known as an area of illegality and corruption. Accordingly, it is no exaggeration to say that for Korea’s construction industry, the past six decades were characterized by a war against illegality and corruption. Ironically, the response to this was the introduction of the American type of construction system. In addition, it is notable that competition has been introduced for construction project bidding. To be sure, there were limitations in rooting out illegality and corruption. Through these efforts, however, the nation could establish a modernized delivering system for construction projects over the year. Additionally, it is not too much to say that policy and system were formulated. In meanwhile, large-scale construction accidents frequently occurred due to dishonest work , which will happen in the process of industrialization. In April 2002, the South Korea government announced that it will work more closely with non-governmental actors in the fight against corruption. The government procurement agency announced the introduction of an ombudsman system and a clean procurement committee in an effort to break ties between the government and its contractors. The corruption law also established an anti corruption commission, with a specific mandate to investigate cases involving high rank officials. Before the commission was launched in January 2002, however, its first chairman resigned because of his suspected involvement in a major corruption. Like this, corruption is occurring by human selfishness. There were many accidents through human errors and misdeeds. Sampoong Department Store is one of the examples. On 29 June 1995, a department store building in Seoul suddenly collapsed. It was only five years old and killed 502 people and injured 937 people. The structural collapse of the Sampoong Department Store was not an isolated deviation but a clear omen of deeper problems within society. In the Sampoong collapse, bribery of inspectors was rampant. No one raised any alarm when a huge, unauthorized air-conditioner was erected on the roof of the building which caused enormous cracks in the walls. A probe revealed that the building’s owners sacked contractors who had complained that planned design changes were unsafe. The new contractor, a subsidiary of the store, had no objections. In this accident, at the same time, South Korea’s construction industry had been attacked by man-made disasters even before the Sampoong Department Store tragedy. In this paper, the main reasons of the collapse and evaluation of this collapse will be briefly described. Background The Sampoong building had two wings, with one housing the department store and the other sports and leisure facilities. The wing that collapsed was the one housing the department store. It was built by Sampoong Construction and Industry Company and completed in November 1989. An addition to the building was completed in October 1994. The building housed 556 departments with 681 employees. It stood 27.6 meters high and sat on a 29,008-square-meter.The four underground floors consisted of a parking place and an electricity control room. Three of the collapsed building’s floors which comprised the department store was operated by Sampoong Construction Company whose engineering ranks 858th among the nation’s construction firms. If it was careful, the warning signs that could have prevented the collapse of the Sampoong Department Store came as early as 15days before the accident. At that time, a restaurateur on the fifth floor reported a crack on the ceiling of the building to management. But, management’s response was lukewarm, and management took no action. Then, 5 days before, a customer who had entered the same restaurant to get something to eat after some routine weekend shopping, was showered with a water leak from the ceiling of the restaurant. Three days before the collapse, a report of a gas leak again went unheeded by the department store management. On the day of the collapse, June 29, the signs that should have set off alarm bells appeared before opening hours in the restaurants on the fifth floor. Around 9:30 a.m., the floor of the restaurant cracked open slightly. An environmental technician reported the incident to the management. Top executives of the department store stopped by an hour later, mumbling something about seeking professional assessment. Between 11a.m to 12p.m, neighbouring restaurants were experiencing water leaks from ceilings and cracks in the floors. Only at this point did the management close off the fifth floor, while the other floors continued with business as usual. Sometimes after 1 p.m., a breakdown of air conditioning and gas services as well as a power failure occurred throughout the department store. The management met around 3 p.m. for an emergency meeting without notifying the employees and shoppers of the situation. When things were at their worst, the executives of the department management lef t the building, consequently leaving many employees and shoppers still inside. At 6p.m. on 29 June, the centre of the building collapsed, similar to a controlled implosion, in 20 seconds. Customers were concentrated in the basement and in the fifth floor restaurant. The customers and employees had no time to escape. Some survivors were found in the wreckage, and one was brought out 17 days after the collapse. The overall death toll was 502. Corruption The main issues addressed in this paper are corruption, frequent design change and maintenance repair in South Korea. The first section of this paper will examine corruption in the collapse of the Sampoong Department Store. This report was delivered by Seoul District Prosecutors Office, entitled The Final White Book of Finding out the Real Truth of the Collapse of the Sampoong Department Store. The public was outraged. In particular, the news that the senior executives had fled the building without warning others was disturbing. The report on the collapse, as well as earlier structural and construction failures, suggested a widespread pattern of corruption in the country’s construction business. A government survey of high-rise structures found 14% were unsafe and needed to be rebuilt, 84% required repairs, and only 2% met standards. Joon Lee, the chairman of Sampoong, and his son Han-Sang Lee, were convicted and sent to prison for 10 and half years and 7 years, respectively. Twelve local building officials were found guilty of taking bribes of as much as $17,000 for approving changes and providing a provisional use certificate. The cause of the Sampoong collapse, then, was not a technical issue as much as outright fraud. The Korean construction industry, protected by government regulation from outside competition, had become complacent. Bribes were used to get around the usual government checks and balances that serve to protect public safety. Relationship problem between the architects and builders In the design planning process, relationship and communication between architectural designers and structural designers are important. Generally, if their relationship and communication are in discord some construction works, it can bring out accidents such as Sampoong Department Store collapse. This paragraph begins by laying out the theoretical dimensions of the research and looks at how design problems occurred in this collapse. In recent years, the subject of the design quality has become one of the important issues in the domestic construction industry. However, important design processes are made by judgement of the architect without the rational communication and information sharing among the related participants. Therefore, the objective of this research suggests the constitution plan of design error management system not only for systematizing types about the design error in construction projects but also for analyzing the primary factors of design error to embody the actual condition of trouble between architects and builders. Normally, in South Korea, builders think know-how is more important but architects think that beauty of art and quality what contractor ordered, are more important so that there were lack of communication of information and a narrow sense between architects and builders. Relationship and communication problem between architectural designers and Structural designers Generally, design drawings are distributed, such as architectural design drawing, structural design drawing, mechanical facility design drawing, electric facility design drawing and engineering design drawing. Structural calculations need to be correct in order to ensure the safety of the building and structural design drawing with structural calculations need to be written exactly and used on-site. Mechanical facility and electric facility design drafts are written considering the calculations which were reviewed in advance about facility capacity or standards according to the structure calculations in the structure design drawings which include the safety of a building and standards. In the process of structural design planning which affected the most important reason of the collapse, architectural designer and structural designers decided the scale of a building, stories, appearance and use in the early architecture plan and then on a basic structure plan like pitch of columns or structure style. The architectural designer writes the architectural design draft first, and the structure designer carries out structure calculations according to all conditions given in the architecture blueprint which the architectural designer wrote. In many cases, however, architectural designers distribute structural design drafts which are calculations made by structural designers. As the result, structural designers are different with structural draft authors, so that structural designers’ design can be changed by authors who may make fatal errors. In this accident, it the relationship and communication between architectural designers (architect) and structural designers (structural experts) was not adequate, and their communication was only call and memoranda, so that they had not exchanged information. Thus, structural calculations, structural drafts and construction drafts were different. Design problems There were many structural and architectural problems in the Sampoong Department Store collapse. This paragraph will describe problems of use change and flat slab systems in the problems. Firstly, construction of the Sampoong Department Store was a flat slab system. The flat slab system can be defined as a construction method that builds safely several columns established in the upper part inside of the building. However, the weak point of this system is many columns. So, this flat slab system is insufficient to department store buildings because if there are lots of columns in the building, the space will be narrow. So, structural designers removed block walls for the purpose of making wide clearances to sell products and punched a passage for an escalator. Also, size and shape of uplift column was changed. In flat slab system, the column is very important but structural designers of Sampoong Department Store had neglected design load calculus. Moreover, even though the fifth floor was made, column size was lessened 25% (79cm to 58cm) for appearance and even columns located near the escalator were lessened more. Secondly, the use of the Sampoong Department Store was four stories office building at first and this building was approved as a four stories building. However, owners of the building wanted to change to a department store building and the owners referred it to Woosung Construction Company. Constructors and managers of Woosung Co. opposed that because it needed more columns and thicker columns. Thereupon, the head of the Sampoong group changed Construction Company to own Sampoong Construction Company. Lastly, the five stories Sampoong Department Store were built without reinforcement of uplift columns by the company. The most serious problem was the fifth floor. The fifth floor was the restaurant area and the interior was composed of a Korean floor heater for a luxury Korean traditional restaurant so that, 30cm concrete was added for the Korean floor heater. Also, heavy kitchen equipment was needed. As the result, the whole building collapsed when these added loads affected columns. Maintenance problems This paragraph explains the maintenance of collapse of this Sampoong Department store. Sampoong made significant changes to the structure. The most important was the conversion of the original use as an office block to that of a department store. Other changes included changing the upper floor from a roller-skating rink to a traditional Korean restaurant. Stricter standards had to be met for fire, air conditioning and evacuation. Although the structure apparently met all building code requirements, the revised design was radically different from the original. This accident was a man-made disaster that the government official allowed haughty businessman who brought out blind money as a result and the building company built it. Conclusion The construction work of Sampoong Department store was started on July 1987 and opened on December 1st 1989 with Temporary Use Permit and operated for 5 years. Unlike a normal building framework using beam and column, its structure system uses Flat Slab structure so that the floor slab supports the column by itself without any beam. In a flat Slab structure, one column can stand the same amount of stress so that the collapse of one column can cause progressive collapse which can be them the entire building. Investigating the present state of collapse was analyzed minutely and based on this analysis, the design, construction work, and maintenance of this building was discovered as the direct and indirect cause of collapse. As a result, the collapse of this building was brought from a flaw in design, unreliable construction work, and maintenance problems interacting with each other for long term. A brief summary is the following. Firstly, the one that influenced collapse the most is the maintenance problem. Changing design and use, without any approval, causing additional overweight to be added and also cutting structures left the whole building structure with low durability. Secondly, in the process of construction work, managing the work and superintendence was negligent which caused part of the collapse. Thirdly, inappropriate construction and structure plan caused progressive collapse. Moreover, neglecting safety diagnosis on the long term cracks and sinking process and insufficient managing of crucial moments like right before the collapse brought about a disastrous accident. Finally, those causes, which continued for 5 years, gave no security and safety, and at the end, around the fifth floor, the roof slab was destroyed and the adjoining slab destroyed, which caused progressive collapse. A building can maintain safe conditions through fine design, construction work/supervision and appropriate maintenance. However, if a domestic construction system does not include a structure expert who puts safety first anywhere in the process of design, construction work/supervision and maintenance, there will be major problems. According to the law for architect, article 4 clause 1 and clause 2, designing and supervision of construction can only be done by an architect, and blocks the structure expert from designing and supervising the construction from the beginning. In addition, the law for architect article 2 clause 2 states that structure expert has subordinate relationship with architect, so that structure expert is not at the position where he can take responsible for the safety. Such a system cannot be found in developed countries except in Korea. For example, America does not limit the construction right to either architect or structure expert and Germany gives right to design structure only to structure expert. Also, Japan and Singapore structure expert takes care of structure design. Especially in Germany and other EU, client or representative picks ‘safety coordinator’ who takes charge of every process from beginning to the end, such as consulting and superintendence. To look at design, construction work/supervision and maintenance of Sampoong department store closely, structure expert was never in the responsible position so that he did not finish his work with responsibility. Moreover, the current domestic system had no coordinator who could point out faulty structure design and construction so that an architect who was responsible for construction asked the structure expert only for structural calculations and used them on the structure layout. When use and design were changed, the architect only asked the structure expert orally or in memo form and not with any official document. It seemed that structure expert was legally only in an assistant position which made it harder to ask for formal documents and the structural expert also did not have any obligation to be responsible for the structure problem since they are only an assistant. Recently constructions with size over fixed standard or for special needs are required to have affixing a seal of structure expert on the structure layout. However this is only the action of affixing a seal from the structural expert, it does not mean that they are responsible for construction like in other developed countries. In Korea, the current system does not have any way to prove the faulty safe the issues from in the process of design, approval, and construction/supervision like Germany or EU. In the deliberation for a Construction Permit, structure field is handled but it’s only 10 or 20 minutes which is impossible time to point out any problem in the structure and examine an entire complex design perfectly so that the Construction Permit is only a formal document to avoid responsibility. In conclusion, although common administrative regulations should be softened in order to solve inconvenience of the people and the vitalization of market, strengthening the regulations to protect the nation and their property is a global trend. To take this into consideration, experts who can take care of their work with responsibility and specialty is essential and needed on every step in the process of design, construction/supervision, and maintenance in order to prevent the reappearance of such a disaster like the collapse of the Sampoong department store.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Shakespeares Othello - Desdemona, the Heroine in Othello Essay

Desdemona, the Heroine in Othello  Ã‚        Ã‚  Ã‚   In William Shakespeare’s Othello Michael Cassio’s praises of the richly blessed Desdemona, as he awaits her arrival on Cyprus, are well deserved. This essay will amply support this statement.    Blanche Coles in Shakespeare’s Four Giants interprets the protagonist’s very meaningful four-word greeting to Desdemona which he utters upon disembarking in Cyprus:    Othello’s four words, â€Å"O, my soul’s joy,† tell us that this beautiful Venetian girl has brought great joy, felicity, bliss to the very depths of his soul. This exquisitely beautiful love that has come to a thoughtful, earnest man is indescribably impressive. For him it is   heaven on earth. And all the while, almost within arm’s length, stands Iago, the embodiment of evil, like the serpent in the Garden of Eden. (87)    In Act 1 Scene1, Iago persuades the rejected suitor of Desdemona, Roderigo, to accompany him to the home of Brabantio, Desdemona’s father, in the middle of the night. Once there the two awaken him with loud shouts about his daughter’s elopement with Othello. In response to Iago’s vulgar descriptions of Desdemona’s involvement with the general, Brabantio arises from bed and, with Roderigo’s help, gathers a search party to go and find Desdemona and bring her home. The father’s attitude is that life without his Desdemona will be much worse than before:    It is too true an evil: gone she is;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   And what's to come of my despised time   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Is nought but bitterness. (1.1)    So obviously the senator has great respect for his daughter, or at least for the comforts which she has afforded him up the beginning of the play. This respect is shared by her new husband Othello, who ... ...   You told a lie, an odious, damned lie;   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Upon my soul, a lie, a wicked lie.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   She false with Cassio! (5.2)    Then she accuses him of causing murder: â€Å"And your reports have set the murder on.† Emilia’s stunning interrogation and conviction of her own husband as the evil mastermind behind the murder results in Iago’s murder of her. Gullible Othello, grief-stricken by remorse for the tragic mistake he has made, stabs himself and dies on the bed next to his wife, his sorrow being as deep as his love for Desdemona prior to Iago’s machinations.    WORKS CITED    Shakespeare, William. Othello. In The Electric Shakespeare. Princeton University. 1996. No line nos.       Coles, Blanche. Shakespeare’s Four Giants. Rindge, New Hampshire: Richard Smith Publisher, 1957.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

John F. Kennedy Essay -- essays research papers

John F. Kennedy John Fitzgerald Kennedy was born on May 29, 1917 in the Boston suburb of Brookline. Kennedy was the son of Joseph P. Kennedy a formerambassador to Great Britain. Kennedy was much like his father, possesing a delightful sense of humor, a strong family loyalty, a concern for the state of the nation, endless vitality and a constant air of confidence no matter how dire the situation In 1946, Kennedy ran successfully for a Boston-based seat in the U.S. House of Representatives; he was reelected in 1948 and 1950. As a congressman he backed social legislation that benefited his working-class constituents. Although generally supporting President Harry S. Truman's foreign policies, he criticized what he considered the administration's weak stand against the Communist Chinese. Kennedy continued to advocate a strong, anti-Communist foreign policy throughout his career. Restless in the House, Kennedy challenged incumbent Republican senator Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr., in 1952. Although the Republican presidential candidate, Dwight D. Eisenhower, won in Massachusetts as well as the country as a whole, Kennedy showed his remarkable vote-getting appeal by defeating Lodge. A year later, on Sept. 12, 1953, Kennedy married Jacqueline Bouvier. The couple had three children: Caroline Bouvier (b. Nov. 27, 1957), John Fitzgerald, Jr. (b. Nov. 25, 1960), and a second son who died in infancy in August 1963. Kennedy was a relatively ineffectual senator. During parts of 1954 and 1955 he was seriously ill with back ailments and was therefore unable to play an important role in government. Critics observed that he made no effort to oppose the anti-civil libertarian excesses of Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy of Wisconsin. His friends later argued, not entirely persuasively, that he would have voted to censure McCarthy if he had not been hospitalized at the time. During his illness Kennedy worked on a book of biographical studies of American political heroes. Published in 1956 under the title Profiles in Courage, it won a Pulitzer Prize for biography in 1957. Like his earlier book on English foreign policy, it revealed his admiration for forceful political figures. This faith in activism was to become a hallmark of his presidency. In 1956, Kennedy bid unsuccessfully for the Democratic vice-presidential nomination. Thereafter, he set his sights on the presidency, especially after his... ... by at least conniving at the overthrow of Dinh Diem in November 1963. On November 21, 1963, President Kennedy flew to Texas to give several political speeches. The next day, as his car drove slowly past cheering crowds in Dallas, shots rang out. Kennedy was seriously wounded and died a short time later. Within two hours of the shooting, police arrested Lee Harvey Oswald and charged him with the murder. On November 24, a Dallas man, Jack Ruby, shot and killed Oswald before there was a chance to put him on trial. Although Oswald denied that he shot Kennedy, most of the evidence indicates that he really did. To this day, however, many people disagree about the facts of JFK's assassination. Some people insist that there was a second gunman firing at Kennedy, and that he and Ruby were part of a conspiracy. None of these theories has ever been proven. President Kennedy's death caused enormous sadness and grief among all Americans. Most people still remember exactly where they were and what they were doing when they heard the news of the murder. Hundreds of thousands of people gathered in Washington for the President's funeral, and millions throughout the world watched it on television.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Case Study Toys

Principal of Management Case Study: Toys Galore The Case Toys Galore is a major manufacturer of toys which faces uncertainty about demand for its toys during the Christmas season. If there is a high demand for toys, and if Toys Galore: * Is fully able to meet this demand, then it makes additional revenue of $4m. * Is partly able to meet this demand, then it makes additional revenue of $3m * Is able only to supply at a low level, then it makes no additional revenue. If, however, there is low demand, then it makes no additional revenue.In July, Toys Galore has the option of expanding production. An expansion will cost $2m. If it expands in July, then it will be fully able to meet a high demand at Christmas. If it decides not to expand production in July, then it has another chance to expand in October. An expansion in October also costs $2m, but this late expansion does not leave the company sufficient time to fully meet high demand at Christmas; it can only partly meet any high demand . In October, however, the ABS announces the latest national income figures.Past experience suggests that income figures are high half the time and low half the time. Past experience also suggests that if there is a high national income figure, then there is a 80% probability of high demand, and if a low national income figure, a 80% probability of low demand for toys at Christmas. To summarize: by expanding production in July, Toys Galore is able to fully meet high demand for Christmas toys, if that occurs. By waiting until October, however, it can make the expansion decision on the basis of better information about Christmas demand. Abstract:In the above case study we see that the management of Toy Galore, a major manufacturer of toys faces uncertainty or a dilemma as how to cope up with the demand / supply and at the same time keep an eye on the expected revenues generated for/during the Christmas season. Moreover the company has to choose whether if they want to expand their pro duction during the month of July or October with low and high risk associated with the respective months. Factors affecting our decision: Before going on and making the decision the company has to look into the following important factors ) Calculated Risk Vs Returns: As mentioned in the case as there are many options that the company can opt for but all the options are to be looked in to with respect to the Risk associated with them and The Revenues / Returns generated with each of the option. Options of both expanding and Producing in the month of July or October to meet the Christmas Demand for toys and also the uncertainty or speculation that the income pattern might as well change which may / can affect the sales and the demand for the Toys produced. ) Certainty vs. uncertainty: As seen in the case study there is uncertainty that the demand of the toys may increase or decrease based on the historical trends and income patterns. Assuming that the production meets full demand the n the company makes maximum revenues i. e. Rise in the income results in the rise of the Demand, Rise in the Demand results in the rise of the Production and the Supply thus, Resulting in the Rise in Revenues. But one cannot ignore the uncertainty factor associated and present in the market environment.If the Income decreases then the whole scenario changes i. e. Decrease in the Income results in the decrease in Demand and supply, thus low revenues. 3) Market Competitors: Knowing that we are the major producer and Manufacturer of toys, we still can’t ignore the competition that exists or is entering the market. Any opportunity lost can prove to be a big opportunity for the competitors in the market. Suggestions with Reasoning: Based on the above factors I would advise the Toy Galore to; Invest and expand their production as it will not only help them in the short run but also in the long Run. Taking the decision to expand its production capacity doesn’t only means that it now has the capacity to produce more now and also in the long run but it also conveys a message of stability, strength and overall market dominance to our competitors * Start the production early i. e. in July and incase of any uncertainty or unforeseen event there should always be a backup plan or a contingency. * Play safe.There is a likelihood that revenues may increase more in October but again there is an old saying â€Å"Sometimes your best investments are the ones you don't make. † So I will advise the management to start production early in July. * Keeping the ABS reports at hand in case the income and the demand decrease during the Christmas season (keeping both directly proportional) resulting in low sales or stock pileup , we always have the option of after Christmas sales, which not only attract more buyers due to more discounts and decrease in the prices but also boost the revenues i. . ^Revenue = v Price * ^quantity. * Those who forget or ignore the past are doomed to repeat it. Market Speculations play an important role while making any managerial decision. The Company instead of ignoring the signs and news prevailing in the market should keep a close eye on the market, Historic Trends and keep in touch with the Statistical and Financial sectors so to keep on collecting the latest facts and figures which will always be helpful when it comes to making important decisions.